#PARIS Day 1

Here are a couple of places I’ve been in Paris, “The City of Lights”.  This amazing city is filled with so much flavor but most importantly, so much history!!!! Buildings here are 100 of years, no CENTURIES older than our COUNTRY!!! Just standing in these buildings have a way of transporting you to the past. Those who know me, know that I studied Architecture for a while, so don’t be surprised by the selection of snaps I’ve taken of the sexy detailed buildings.

I am truly being a tourist, exploring all the touristy places and seeing EVERYTHING a foreigner would see. There is absolutely no shame in my game in busting out my camera in front of the Effiel Tower or being la queue (standing on line) in Versallies to get into King Louis XIV, XV, and XVI Palace. I say, grab it by the cajones and go for it. You only live once and if done right who cares!!! I hope you enjoy looking at Paris through my kaleidoscopic view.

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